Dave McKeown helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve excellence by doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well. He is the CEO of Outfield Leadership and author of The Self-Evolved Leader – Elevate Your Focus and Develop Your People in a World That Refuses to Slow Down.
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Show Notes
“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch
Are leaders born or are they made? This age-old debate will yield different responses depending on which side of the fence you sit.
This week, The Entrepreneurial You podcast invites Dave McKeown to talk about self-evolved leadership and what that means for your organization and team.
Here is a snippet of what Dave shared:
“It’s that mindset of understanding that your ego is going to seek value from you being rewarded from knowing the answers organization isn’t helping your people grow and develop and see if you can make that mindset shift. It’ll get you half of the way there. Then there are a couple of practical things that you can do. The first thing is actually to recreate the vision for your team with your team involved in the process. So building the vision of where you want your team to be in three years time, but allowing them to have a much more significant input into it than they previously would have when you co-create a vision with your team a couple of great things happen. First of all, they’re much more bought into it and therefore you’re much more likely to achieve it. But secondly it really provides a Northstar for decision-making for the team or the group.”
Listen to the episode and let us know what is your biggest takeaway.
Connect with Dave McKeown:
FREE Book: The Self-Evolved Leader
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Email: Heneka Watkis-Porter
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