Regaining Your Confidence, and Leading with Emotional Intelligence, with Monique Russell

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Monique Russell is the managing partner of Clear Communication Solutions LLC, a communications coaching and consulting firm focused on helping women leaders go from good to great as confident communicators. As a certified DiSC trainer and Professional Coach with graduate degrees in Communications, she helps leaders strengthen their personal and professional relationships by using practical tools to harness their emotional intelligence.

Show  Notes:

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” -Theodore Roosevelt. Implicit in this statement is the idea that emotional intelligence is a necessary trait for anyone with leadership aspirations. Further, it is said, Intelligence Quotient gets you hired but Emotional Quotient (EQ) gets you promoted.

As someone who, over a series of events, had lost her confidence, Leadercast Host Site Leader, Monique Russell is now on a path to help others regain their self-belief through a series of experiences by practicing tools to harness emotional intelligence. In a recent episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast, Monique shares her journey of accomplishment and how to leverage emotional intelligence to lead effectively.

Moniqe shares Myles Munroe 5 questions that motivates the human heart:

1.Who am I?
2.Where am I from?
3.What can I do?
4.Who can I serve?
5.Where am I going?

“When you align with your strengths and get clear on it, doors will open”, Monique went on before touching on an important quadrant that we need to be aware of in the Emotional Intelligence conversation.

  1. Identify what is happening 2. Self-regulation 3. Social awareness 4. Relationship management

In my quest to delve deeply into what emotional intelligence is and how to get there, I was put in the hot seat as Monique illustrated the power of reflection.

Emotional Intelligence is being able to identify what your body is doing at the first sign of stress…Take that data and apply it to make your relationships more productive…How is your behavior affecting others around you?”

“As you aim to work up the Emotional Intelligence continuum, working with a coach who is dedicated to see you get from good to great is a great way to start…Another effective tool is the power of reflection – review, repair and release. It is important to focus on what is bringing joy instead of putting fires out.”
“Identify key points within projects and figure out when did I operate in a spirt of excellence, Monique suggests.” These are just a few of the pointers Monique gave.


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Connect with Monique Russell




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Dive into the latest episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast, where we uncover the transformative power of mentorship and coaching with our esteemed guest, a seasoned entrepreneur whose early setbacks paved the way for enduring success.

**Learning from Setbacks: The Mentorship Advantage**

– Early Struggles: Our guest reflects on the initial challenges faced when starting alone and the realization that solo efforts led to regression rather than progression.

– The Mentorship Turning Point: Discover the pivotal moment when our guest embraced the need for guidance and how this decision became a cornerstone strategy throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

– Navigating Transitions: Learn how seeking out mentors and coaches with each new venture or career shift can safeguard against significant pitfalls and foster triumphs.

– The Role of Mentorship in Success: Gain insights into how the right mentor or coach can accelerate your path to success and help you avoid the missteps that can hold you back.

Connect with today’s guest and find a mentor who can help steer your entrepreneurial ship towards success.

Closing Thoughts:
Thanks to our guest for sharing their journey and mentorship’s invaluable role in their achievements. To our listeners, remember that you don’t have to go it alone; mentors can be your compass to success.

Stay tuned for more episodes of The Entrepreneurial You and embrace the collective wisdom that can drive your business forward.

I seek wisdom and guidance, harnessing the collective experience to fuel my entrepreneurial ascent.

For more information and resources from today’s episode, visit our website at Engage with us on social media; we’re active on Heneka Watkis-Porter.

Remember: Stay engaged, stay entrepreneurial!

Picture of Author: Heneka Watkis-Porter
Author: Heneka Watkis-Porter

When I'm not podcasting, speaking, coaching or hosting first-class conferences (think Leadercast & She Leads co-founded with the Jamaica Stock Exchange), I'm passionate about helping women thrive and walk in their God-given purpose through Grace to Grow Mentorship and Training.

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