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Developing A Winning Mindset: Your Secret Weapon For Success with Win Charles


A winning mindset has benefited Win Charles throughout her life and it can help you too. Taking the time to look at your goals and consider what could happen is the first step. But staying positive is another, crucial aspect.

By staying positive, you look at how to overcome obstacles rather than the obstacles themselves. Simply put, a winning mindset is preparing mentally for whatever you decide to accomplish. Not thinking of what could wrong. Developing a winning mindset, however, does not come easily.

There are months or years behind having a winning mindset and overcoming anxiety. If you’re looking for ways to develop a winning mindset, take a look at Win Charles’ story.

Born with Cerebral Palsy, Win Charles has defied the odds. She leads her life without limits and pushes herself past her disability. With her amazing tenacity, she has proven that adversity can fuel your success if used well. Here is her story.

CP affects her entire body causing one side to be weaker than the other and she also suffered a brain injury. Despite the fact that Charles needs 24 hour care, she has described herself as “too active” for the limitations of her disability.

“I was set up with a winning attitude to begin with…”

Win Charles was named after her grandmother. She has expressed her pride in the name, though she admitted to using her middle name, Kelly, when she was younger. Now, she is a published author. But writing did not come easy to her. She wanted to write and a story has been placed “…on her heart” since she was 17 years old.

It was the loss of her mother that pushed Charles to start writing. She is now an eight-time published author and is currently working on her journalism degree in the US. She is also the host of her podcast called ‘Ask Win’.

“Overcoming adversity has set me up for success”

Her memoir I, Win is an amazing story of how she remembers her life through the years of having the condition Cerebral Palsy. As a competitor in the Kona IronMan Triathlon, CEO of her own jewelry design company, and motivational speaker, Win Charles truly is an inspiration to many. Today, Win Charles tours the country, speaking to schools and institutions to raise awareness about cerebral palsy and living a full life no matter what.

Win Charles has showed her determination to Win in life. Nothing she has gone through has stopped her from making it through adversity. Her determination proves that her disability does not mean she is unable.

But determination is not limited to those who have more stacked against them. Everyone needs determination to achieve success.

Since determination is a more active component to achieving goals, your abilities are part of the equation. The abilities you have, determine what you can do, but your determination is how much you want to succeed at that ability. We all can learn a little from Win Charles. Stay determined and you’ll never be disappointed.


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