The Business Plan & Startups
Why The Business Plan Isn’t Everything You Need As a Startup So you are planning to start a business, huh? Perhaps you’ve heard much talk about having a sound business plan in place. It good, important even. But is it the only thing needed to develop a business for success? Absolutely not. You […]
How to Overcome Challenges as a Woman Entrepreneur, with Georgina Terry, Brittany Rose, Jade Lee & Lisandra Rickards
Every November for 1 week, there are thousands of events and competitions in close to 200 countries to inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity while connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors. This is to observe Global Entrepreneurship Week. I’ve reached out to 4 women entrepreneurs from 3 countries to share their challenges […]
An Important Lesson in the Unpredictable Nature of Individuals and Staying Focused in the Midst of a Business Breakup, with Damon Nailer
Damon Nailer is known as a “Renaissance Man” and a “Multi-talented Inspirational Communicator”, He is mentor, motivator and educator, addressing people’s mental, spiritual, and emotional needs through various means. He writes inspirational books and blogs, speaks, coaches, and produces inspirational music. As a result of his tremendous accomplishments, he’s been featured over 100 times in […]
Law of Attraction: Lessons Learned from Building my Blog and Business (That Apply to Anything)
I may be one of the few bloggers who doesn’t check their ‘stats.’ I have no idea how many people read my blog. I have no idea where my traffic is coming from. I don’t do any sort of ‘analysis.’ When I first had my blog, I did check this information.
The ugly truth about being an entrepreneur – 3 things that will trigger second thoughts
Then there is the giving up of an active social life, at least in the startup phase of your journey. Families and friends begin to give you the evil eye. While some may understand, many will start to question your loyalty to them. Your inner circle becomes smaller and smaller.
How to Make Money Online, Engage with Your Audience and Build Your List, with Andrew McCauley
Andrew McCauley is ranked #17 ‘Most Influential Social Media Marketer“ by BuzzSumo in Nov, 2016; he is one of the top 100 Most Influential Twitter Users by Forbes, He is an Amazon best Selling Author and consults all types of Businesses on their Social Media and Online Strategy. His customized strategies have continually seen between […]
7 Hindrances to Growth in the Caribbean and How to Overcome Them
[bctt tweet=”In the words of the English Poet, John Donne, “No man is an island no man stands alone”. ” username=”TheEntrepYou”] There couldn’t be a statement more on point as it relates to building successful relations in business and in life generally. Yet sometimes we allow our very delicate egos to get the better of […]