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Find Your Amazing, 5 Steps to Transform Your Life, with Meiyoko Taylor

Meiyoko Taylor is a Certified Master Life Coach, NLP Practioner, Emotional Mastery Expert who works with the best and brightest in the leadership development field. The author of the best-selling book, Find Your AMAZING! 5 Steps To Transforming Your Life, his action-based focus and down to earth conversational style of coaching has drawn support from people around the globe. Over the past 15 years, he has worked with corporate professionals, CEOs, entertainers, public figures, industry leaders, students, and entrepreneurs guiding them toward self-improvement.

Meiyoko shares how to find your amazing on #TheEntrepYou today! @meiyokotaylor Click To Tweet

Show  Notes:

Here’s a fun question for you…If you could read one person’s mind, whose would it be?

That would be Richard Branson. I would like to see what comes out of his mind if I ask him a few questions

What does it mean to find your amazing?

Being born on this earth is a miracle in and of itself. I am firm believer that everybody has unique gifts, skills or capabilities that can lead them to a path of greatness. These are things only you can do the way that you do them. They are unique to each and every individual.  I stress that because that is what being amazing is all about; it is what finding your amazing means. Find that gift and talent that separate you and allow your light to shine as you add value to the world.

Your book, 5 Steps to Transform Your Life, what can I do now to make that change?

Step 1: You have to know who you are and what you want, really having a level of self-awareness. When I was in a 9-5 that I hated and in a bad relationship for 7 years I had to look at myself and say, I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I was so out of alignment with my passion and purpose. I had to make a decision at that point of my life. The big thing is to become very self-aware. You have to realize what situation you are in currently in your life. From that, you can start to craft a vision of where it is you want to go, what it is you are passionate about, what particular skills do you have.

You have to have a mission. A vision and a mission are actually quite different. A vision is something you can see, touch, taste, smell without even actually having it happen yet. You want your vision to be so specifically clear to you as if it’s already happened or is happening.

The mission is the consistent action that is going to get you to your vision. Everything I do in my personal development goes toward my particular mission.

Step 2: Whatever you believe, you will receive. This is about your belief system. Most people don’t know that what you believe internally has to match your external goals. For example, if you are an entrepreneur and you want to make 6-figure income, your external goal – the 6-figure income, has to match your internal belief system. You will never make more than a 6-figure income if your internal belief is ‘I’m only worth $3,000’ or I’ll never make that type of money, or I’m not smart enough or I have these flaws’.

Our belief system is where it all starts. Success is created from the inside out. It has to come from within and then see the actions and external benefits manifest in your life once your belief system is right.

Step 3: Develop a winning attitude. Habitude is a phrase I’ve adapted which means the dynamics of a habit. You have triggers, behaviours and rewards. You need to know what your triggers are. We are always developing habits. We are creatures of habit. Sitting on your butt doing nothing is a habit. We need to develop the right habit.

Every habit starts with a trigger so you need to find what that trigger is; what is setting that behaviour off? What environment, what people, thing, food, whatever it is. That is driving you.

After the trigger comes the behaviour. The behaviour is the actual action that you are taking because of this habit that has been set off by this trigger. This leads to the reward.

When you think about what you are doing on a daily basis, think about the triggers, behaviour and the reward that you are getting. If all those things don’t serve your purpose, your passion and what you are trying to do, then you need to change that habit.

Step 4: Find your amazing – that gift, skill and talent that separate you from others and make you unique.  It is those things that you are born with that make you extraordinary. How do you sharpen the gift, how do you use them? How do you get attached to the right resources and add value to other people?

Step 5: Be present, be aware. Planning for the future is good but you have to be present and be aware. You can’t really plan for the future if your current activity is not going to promote the future that you desire. You have to be aware of your habits, emotions, how focused you are. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is important. Delegate your weakness and focus on your strengths. Worker harder at what you are best at. These are things that you really need to do.

Live every day as if it is the last and give value to the world.  Don’t get caught up too much on the future. You want to enjoy every day, every moment. You are going to have ups and downs. You are going to have great successes and you are going to have failure.  Being present allows you to learn from them and continue to develop.

What is one actionable thing that our community can do right now towards achieving their vision?

I’m challenging everyone right now – think about something that you should be doing this week, or a month, a year from now or whatever the time frame. If you did that thing right now it would dramatically change your life or put you on course to the level of success about. Think about that one thing that you are allowing fear to keep you from doing, that one thing if you knew there is no possibility for failure – and just do it.

Main Take-Aways:

  • Every habit starts with a trigger so you need to find what that trigger is.

  • Planning for the future is good but you have to be present and be aware.

  • Delegate your weakness and focus on your strengths. Worker harder at what you are best at.


Find Your Amazing, 5 Steps to Transforming Your Life


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