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Episode 053 – Generating & Spreading Your Ideas and Leadership, with Seth Godin

Seth Godin is the author of 18 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages. He’s also the founder of the altMBA and The Marketing Seminar, online workshops that have transformed thousands of people. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything. You might be familiar with his books Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow.

Show  Notes:

On this episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast, I spoke with Seth Godin on matters of idea generation, leadership and his best-selling book, ‘Purple Cow’.

On the matter of leadership, he made it clear that The time to start becoming a leader, is not the day you have a job or you have people reporting to you – that’s the day you become a manager.”

Manager and leaders are not one and the same. “managers have a job to get people to do things faster and cheaper than they did it yesterday. Without managers, we wouldn’t have cars, etc. Leaders point out where we might go next. Leaders inspire where we want to go.”

“The job of a leader is to be wrong on her way to being right. There are so few leaders because we’ve been taught in school to do well on the test, to do well in school, to be managed and to be and a manager.”

Main Take-Aways:

  • People don’t want what you want, they don’t see what you see. If you can’t accept that it is going to be very difficult to lead.

  • Choosing to be a leader means choosing to be wrong, often wrong because leaders are doing something that there is no guarantee will work.

  • Paint a picture of where you want to go and describe that picture in a way that makes others want to go there with you.


Purple Cow


 Connect with Seth Godin





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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Annette Salmon

    Totally loved this interview! Seth is so correct about the difference with managers and leaders. This podcast clarified so many questions I had about my journey and passion for empowering and enriching entrepreneurs.

    1. Heneka Watkis Porter

      Thank you for listening Annette and for providing feedback. Comments like these motivate me to continue.

  2. Iman chtir

    Thank you Henika for this interview with such a great author and inspiring person, it gave me a push to test my ideas and not to be afraid whether they are good or bad, because eventually I will find the right one

    1. Heneka Watkis Porter

      I certainly enjoy putting out this kind of content. I’m glad you found it helpful. I wish you all the best as test your ideas to find the right one.

  3. Kathleen Russell Miller

    When the student is ready the information comes from the most unlikely source.
    Now I can articulate and activate my ideas and not second guess my own abilities.

    1. Heneka Watkis Porter

      Absolutely Kathleen. Congrats on getting to this level of consciousness.

    1. Heneka Watkis Porter

      Thank you for listening and for your feedback Karin. Seth is quite knowledgeable.


    This was a Great interview. Thanks, Heneka!

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