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Get Noticed–Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts for the Entrepreneur, with Jared Shapiro

Jared S

Jared is a brand strategist, marketing maven, and publicist with over 15 years of experience in the entertainment and media world. As the former editor in chief of the Miami headquartered Ocean Drive Magazine Jared utilized his 13 years of experience in NYC as the editorial director of In Touch Weekly and Life & Style Weekly to further broaden Ocean Drive’s international appeal and global reach. Jared is also a New York Times Best Selling Author, and principal of marketing + branding + strategy +PR agency, The Tag Experience.

Branding and Marketing

There is just so much noise in the world of marketing. So just how does one stand out as a small business owner or even just starting up?  In this week episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast, Jared shares some tips on how to do just that.

Every year there is an addition to the options available for marketing. The constant change keeps us on our feet. We have to be constantly changing in order to stay relevant.

The first thing to note is that you need to distinguish between branding and marketing. Essentially, your messaging about your product or service and marketing is communicating that message to your audience. You have to create a strategy and work it. It could include any number of things including content marketing, print, online, digital, thought leadership and a host of others.

Don’t overdo it though. Have them say, “where is (insert name) as opposed to, there is (insert name).”

What are people saying about you when you are not in the room? The new room is digital!



Don’t look around at others and think that they have had overnight success or that their success is even real. Pay attention to you.


Connect with Jared Shapiro





Resources Mentioned

Simon Sinek

Jeff Bezos

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