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How to Live the Life YOU Want: 3 Simple Things to Help You

Don’t you want to live a that is meaningful, fun-filled and purposeful, essentially to be happy? Click To Tweet

But what does that really mean and how can you attain it? For some people, it is an ideal that seems like mission possible, only for a select few.

Many people, in fact, are unaware that they are deserving of a great life. They believe it is only for persons who were born to specific families, born in certain neighbourhoods or even born with particular hues.
Understanding and believing that you are in the driver’s seat, that you are in control of your happiness and living your best life now is necessary for your success. Knowing the things that you must do to achieve this is even more paramount.

Here are 3 Simple things to help you live that life that you are dreaming of.

  1. Understand your purpose in order to declutter your life

Mark Twain left us with these words, “the two most important days in a person’s life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”, and equally brilliantly echoed in another way by Myles Munroe, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose”.

Did you know one of the biggest reasons for your unhappiness is that you take on tasks, opportunities, etc. because you are unsure about who you are and why you are here as on earth. When you know your purpose, you know what you must say yes to and the things you must reject.  Begin to take an introspective look at where you are now. If at this point you are still unclear as to why you were created, start asking of yourself and those around you, what is the one thing I can do with my eyes closed? What I am great at? I am most at peace doing _____, and you fill in the blanks.

The word NO is a complete sentence and purpose will give you an appreciation for this and you will begin to experience happiness not someday but NOW. Eliminate the things that don’t serve you so you will have space for your purpose.

  1. Know the season you’re in

On a bright Saturday morning, I took a detour from my routine of either working on my business, doing house chores or simply lying in bed till some point in the afternoon. I was on my way to a women entrepreneur’s event. As I drove, I wanted to get the red at traffic lights but I prayed not to be at the front of the line when stopped. This was because I wanted to apply my makeup and if I’m at the front of the line it would be a challenge to see when the light changed to green. I wanted to be behind other vehicles so that I could see when they move off.

Then like a ton of bricks it fell heavily on me. Why was I rejecting being at the front of the line? Why did I not want to be in the lead? Why was I comfortable in second place? I had a serendipitous moment. I thought to myself, so many times I, like the many others who are part of the church, keep singing, ‘I’m next in line for my blessing”.  Have we stopped to recognize that we are actually at the front of the line? Not only are we at the front of the line but we are at the counter being served. Yet we are singing melodiously, like the Angels in Heaven, “I’m next in line for my blessing”.



To everything under the sun there is a season. You must be alert and be intuitive enough to recognize the season you are in. If you are in a season where you must apply your own mask first before you can help others, take the time to apply your mask. You cannot give from an empty cup. The good Samaritan stopped briefly to help the man in need. Then he quickly moved on, continuing to take care of his business then he went back to continue his Good Samaritan duties.

Recognizing your season will allow you to be happier. If you are in a season that requires that you give attention to your development, you will not feel guilty when you are not able to give assistance to others during that time. Oftentimes it is the guilt that accompanies our NO that is the root of our unhappiness.

  1. Choose ye this day with whom you spend your time

According to Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most of your time with”.
This principle, based on the law of average, suggests that if you are spending time with a bunch of losers then of course….The converse is also true. Since those closest to us impact us, when we share out time with super successful people, our success odds also increase.

I’m working on a project that it’s safe to say it’s ground-breaking at least in this part of the world. I reached out a someone who is pretty much the Steve Jobs of Apple in their industry. I sent a 90 second video stating the project, my ask and that I will would follow up with additional information.

He responded by first saying that he liked the video and congratulated me on the things I’ve been doing. He then went on to say that what I’m requesting is something that under normal circumstance he would have said no to. However, he loves what I’m creating and he wants to be part of it.

I’ve made it part of my duty to be strategic with the people I allow in my space and spend time with. So now it is not uncommon to have emails from persons like Chris Ducker, Amy Porterfield, John Lee Dumas, etc. – and these are not subscription emails.

I say this to make the point that other people, can affect our moods, attitudes and overall behavior which in turn affect the decisions we make including those having to do with our happiness.

Like Abraham Lincoln said, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Beginning today, decide to live the life you want by:

  1. Understand your purpose in order to declutter your life;
  2. Know the season you’re in;
  3. Choose ye this day with whom you spend your time

I wish for you nothing less that true happiness as you live your best life now.

What are you doing for your hapiness today? I’d love to hear from you. Comment below.

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