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Information Technology Strategy for Business Owners

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The Entrepreneurial You (TEY) attended the tTech’s TechCon event held recently. The conference  proved to be more than just a gathering of Information Technology (IT) enthusiasts speaking jargons and having conversations that had little to do with the average Jamaican.

While many entrepreneurs will ensure that they have a growth strategy plan, the right team,   marketing plans, etc, only a few consider implementing a robust IT infrastructure.

According to Small Businesses of America “Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand.”

For example, technology allows businesses to communicate with customers. In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly and clearly.

As it relates to IT Security, most businesses of the modern era are subject to security threats and vandalism. Having the right technology in place is a must if financial data, confidential executive decisions and other proprietary information that leads to competitive advantages are to be protected.

TEY is ready to share a few examples of how you can implement information technology strategy into your business.

Work from the ground up

When you are implementing  technology into your business, start from the most basic level. Ask the relevant questions: What’s not working, what can be expected to change with newly implemented technology, and how its success will be measured. Rank your priorities―functionality and assess the cost to implement the technologies within your framework, ensure that your  systems are accessible and user friendly

Offer productive support

Once you’ve chosen what technology you’re going to integrate, make sure to have a complete support system for mitigating any difficulties in the transition. Consider a more modern approach to training. Move away from thick paper user manuals and opt for programs that have easily accessible digital help centers. Have everyone properly trained and comfortable with newly introduced technology before your launch date. If the intended audience feels intimidated when your launch comes around, or cannot access proper support when they need it, your entire implementation could fall apart.


Avoid the impulse to rush

Don’t be  pressured into implementing your new new software or new equipment  that will boost productivity. It may be tempting to introduce trials  as a means of cycling through technologies to find the right one, but taking commitment away from new technology integration can cause your entire process to fail. If you don’t have a full program in place it will be difficult for employees to commit as well.


Build value

Communicate with your team about the upcoming changes, speak about the  benefits of the new process, and explain what motivated the change. Address in detail  if the implementation fails, how it will impact the business. Highlight the value of having a stable  IT infrastructure for the business and ensure that you value your teams opinions by taking the time to listen to their pain points as well as the  positive outcomes.

The technology you choose to implement should drive progress and efficiency for your company, these steps will set the stage for a successful transition and implementation. TEY would you like to hear from you what are some newer technologies have you implemented in your business recently.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Eric Helm

    Good blog. The technology allows businesses to communicate with customers. In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly and clearly. The technology-related strategies primarily focus on the efficiency of the company’s spending on technology. The organization’s customers exploit and employees, technologies in ways that create value for the organization and on the full integration of technology-related decisions with the company’s strategies and operating plans. The examples of how can implement information technology strategy into the business are very helpful.

    1. Heneka Watkis Porter

      Thank you for taking the time to read our blog Eric. I am happy you found it helpful. I look forward to sharing more valuable content with you.

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