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Law of Attraction: Lessons Learned from Building my Blog and Business (That Apply to Anything)


I am so passionate about educating people about the law of attraction because learning about it changed my life dramatically. My experience has shown me over and over and over again, that by directing our focus on what we want, and away from what we don’t, we can let in more of the former and less of the latter.

By engaging in some self-reflection, teasing out the beliefs that weren’t serving me, and shifting them, I created a whole new reality. Like anybody else, I am on the proverbial journey and I’ll never be done. And for the most part I have made peace with that…I’m human just like the rest of ya.

As anyone who reads my blog regularly knows, I often share experiences from my own life to show how I apply this knowledge and how it has helped me. Like many other people, my ‘professional’ life is one area in which I put a lot of energy manifesting-wise.

It is an area that occupies a lot of my time and attention. It is an area where we have learned a bunch of ‘stuff’ that really doesn’t serve us well, and can bump heads with the wisdom of conscious creation.

So I wanted to share some insights that I think will be helpful for people, but not just for people concerned with their business. These lessons are applicable to anyone wanting to manifest anything, as the basic tenets of attraction are the same no matter the type of manifestation.

I started writing this and realized that I had gone to my usual post length and hadn’t even covered all the points so there will be a part two.
I hope you enjoy it.


Let’s face it…we don’t fully trust in this whole LOA thing, and this is true no matter how much we manifest to show us, in fact, there is something to it. When we are contending with a situation that still isn’t to our exact liking, there is that niggling fear that things may not work out. We haven’t totally stripped our conditioning away.

We really want that ‘proof’ our efforts are bearing fruit. We want to see movement. We want those results. We want feedback. We want validation.

And this tendency is understandable. But, at the core of this need, is a lack of trust in the process, a fear we won’t get what we want. Again, understandable to have this.

But while we may not be able to eliminate it completely, we do have to work on it.

I may be one of the few bloggers who doesn’t check their ‘stats.’ I have no idea how many people read my blog. I have no idea where my traffic is coming from. I don’t do any sort of ‘analysis.’ When I first had my blog, I did check this information.

And I didn’t like how it made me feel. I was basing how I felt on outside circumstances. When I had a lot of visitors, I felt good. When I didn’t, I felt badly. I wondered if my stats were ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for a new blogger, blah, blah, blah.

Knowing what I knew about the law of attraction, I realized this habit was detrimental…looking to the outside will always fuck with our energy. By looking to the outside, we lose touch with our inner voice that provides the most effective guidance and feedback of all. We diminish our power. We chip away at the positive momentum we have built through our ‘inner work.’ We forget the law of attraction is not ‘magic’ and most things don’t change immediately.

I knew that if I kept creating the content that I felt compelled to create, if I kept doing something that was making me feel good, which was writing the blog itself, I would get to where I wanted to be. I knew I would be led to inspired actions that would draw ‘my people’ to me. I knew it would lead to all sorts of opportunities that would allow people to find out about me.

I recently started my ebook series about the law of attraction. I have no idea how many books I have sold. When I get my first royalty check, I suppose I’ll get some clue. But, I don’t check the sales because ultimately it doesn’t matter.

It feels good to write them, and people will buy them. I haven’t set any sort of goal income-wise with the books, because I really can’t control that. And know why I can’t control that? Because there is nothing I can do to make people buy them.

Maybe it will turn out to be a really solid source of income, or maybe I was inspired to write them because somehow this will open up some other opportunity of which I can’t conceive in my mind right now. At first I checked to see if I got reviews, and they were all really good, but I don’t anymore.

Maybe people are leaving more positive ones, or there are people who are leaving negative ones ,because they don’t buy into the law of attraction, they don’t like my writing style or a dozen other reasons.
Naturally I want people to like them, and find them helpful, but again, can’t control that. If there are people who don’t like the books, so be it. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter.

While validation in the form of positive feedback is always nice, we can’t rely on that. If we feel good about what we are doing, or we know it is the right thing for us in the moment, that is all that matters.

Of course, we may get feedback that can be helpful for us, and taking it into consideration can be of some benefit. This is surely the case at times, but often this feedback isn’t helpful, it’s just someone else’s opinion and nothing more. You’ll know if there is something of use in there, and you can make the necessary adjustments to whatever it is you are doing.

Our energy is our point of creation, and as long as you are aligned with what you want, and are feeling good about getting it, you’re going to get there. The path may not look like you think it is supposed to, or the manifestations may not be the exact ones you have in mind, but you’ll get there. But I digress…
Don’t always be looking for the ‘proof’ you are on the right course. Don’t look for others to validate you, and tell you you’re doing good or you are ‘right.’

If you are aligned, you’ll certainly get that feedback, so don’t worry…we all like it, and need it sometimes, and it’s okay.

I ,like anyone else, enjoy the comments, and emails, from people saying they like my work and it is helping them. I enjoy my clients telling me our work together has helped change their life. But I know that ultimately I can’t always be on the lookout for that.


This is easier said than done, and we may not always succeed. The difficulty in doing this is one of the things that slows our manifestations down big-time, but it just is what it is. We weren’t encouraged to operate from this space, and we just won’t go full bore, simply because we now know more about the law of attraction, and how our feeling is our point of creation.

But when we do operate from this space, boy, does it feel good, and boy, do things come together nicely.
When I first started my blog, I read very little about blogging. It really didn’t interest me. This wasn’t from a space of feeling like I knew everything and had nothing to learn. It was more from a space of just doing things in a way that felt right to me.

I didn’t care about what words I should include in a title to pique interest, the different styles of blog posts, doing outlines or whatever. I just got an idea about a post and wrote it.

That’s not to say we should never seek out advice from others who are traveling a similar path or working towards a similar goal…there are times when it will be very helpful. Again, when that is something that will be helpful for us, we’ll know it.

But I didn’t feel lost or stuck in any way. I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do, and I just did it. My feelings let me know I was on the right track. And at times when I did feel stuck about certain things, I managed to attract the very information, that was perfect to help me.

While I was obviously writing my blog for other people to read, I wasn’t overly concerned with how other people might perceive the topics, my style or whatever. I was writing what felt good to me, and what was interesting to me.

My idea to write my ebook series came to me during a silent meditation retreat, and it felt so good and right. I was excited. And when I got back, I started writing the books. I don’t know how many I’ll write. I am really enjoying it and people seem to really like them.

One day after Ryan and I did an audio interview on my blog, I felt inspired to start a podcast, and I just did. I really enjoy doing it and people seem to really like them. Will I do them forever? Don’t know. Right now I like doing them and I can see myself continuing for the long-term. But who knows what will happen?

By doing things that make me feel good, I am aligning with the energy of what I want, and as we all know, that is the most important thing we can do to reach the goals we have set for ourselves, and manifest the things we think will make us happy.

There is a tendency to really overthink our inspirations. We consider the impact over the ‘long-term.’ We let our mind get in the way and start questioning and picking things apart. We try to see 50 steps ahead when we just can’t.

If you follow your feelings, you will always be led down the right path, and the next steps will be revealed. The next inspired actions will surface. What are you being led to do right now? Do your best to just stay in the now, and heed those nudges.


If you were to have a conversation with me in person, you would find I sound much like I do in my posts and podcasts. I am totally myself. I never considered what sort of ‘image’ I wanted to project when I started. Like anybody else in this world, there are people that will resonate with me, and people that may not, for one of a million reasons.

Let’s take my tendency to curse. This isn’t to purposely craft some ‘edgy’ persona or to provide any sort of shock value. I simply don’t censor myself if the next word to come out of my mouth, or that I want to type, happens to be such a word.

I think cursing can be a great way to emphasize a point or to inject some humor. It’s not excessive, and I don’t think it makes me sound ‘rough’ or unintelligent. I actually don’t curse all that much in my day-to-day life.

Now many people would say that’s a big fat no-no when it comes to blogging and podcasts, because you may offend people. And that’s true…some people may find it offensive. But I don’t give a fuck. Ha, see what I did there? That’s their problem, not mine. You can’t please everyone.

My authenticity is what allows me to help people as best I can, and share what I have learned in the most effective way. It is what makes what I do fun and what makes me enjoy it.

If I worried all the time about presenting myself in a certain way, or I suppressed who I was, not only would that totally stilt my creativity, it would be a huge manifesting block, because it’s really hard to get exactly what you want, when you won’t let yourself be who you really are.

Living authentically means getting comfortable with the idea not everyone will gel with you, that not everyone will ‘get’ you, that people will most definitely make all sorts of inaccurate assumptions about you. It also means getting comfortable with the idea not everyone may like you either.

One of the reasons we are so reluctant to be ourselves is fear of people not liking us or criticizing us. But the great thing is, once you get more comfortable being who you really are, there is less insecurity and doubt within to be mirrored back to you, in the form of people criticizing and judging.

Remember our interactions with people are a manifestations of our energy just like anything else.
These people either won’t come into your orbit at all, or they won’t feel compelled to say anything, and will just turn their attention elsewhere—there will be no nasty remarks, blog comments, emails or whatever.
The people who do gel with you, and do ‘get’ you will find you. These are the people you are more likely to start encountering in your daily life.

Being into personal growth, and the law of attraction in particular, often calls for making really big changes in our life. It may call for doing things in a way that is the polar opposite of what you may have been taught to do.

And this can lead to a lot of fear about not getting the results we want. We worry that truly being ourselves is not appropriate, given a particular goal, or will hinder us in some way. If the way we feel inclined to do things, is not the way we have been taught we ‘should’ do them, this causes a lot of discomfort, and we are reluctant to trust ourselves.

But that all stems from limiting beliefs that contain within them very strong ‘declarations’ of how things are, that are just not true;or are based on the experiences of other people who have decided things have to be done a certain way, and there is no viable alternative, and again, is just not true.

Again, our energy is our true point of creation, and when we are aligned with what we want, we will get it. We can do things our way and we can be ourselves. We don’t need to conform.

Just because other people have done things a certain way to get certain results, doesn’t mean that is the only way to get those results. The perfect clients, friends and romantic partners will find you, and totally vibe with how you are.


I hope you enjoyed the post and found some helpful manifesting lessons within that are applicable to your current situation, no matter what area of life you are trying to improve. Have I applied this wisdom perfectly each and every time an opportunity to do so presented itself? Um…no.
But, I applied it enough to make really awesome changes in my life, and over time, it gets easier and easier to act in a way that is more ‘LOA-friendly,’ if you will.

There is certainly a learning curve with this whole conscious creation thing, but like I always like to remind you…thank God you don’t have to be ‘perfect’ to let in any of the good stuff.


What did you think of the post? Anything in particular resonate with you? Have you found any of these lessons to be helpful in your own manifesting journey? Would tips would you offer? Looking forward to your comments as always.

 If you want to learn more about law of attraction, you can also find my Making Sense of the Law of Attraction series on Amazon. If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, they are free…sweet. And if you aren’t, no worries..they are super-cheap!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://henekawatkisporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IMG_20170721_105519_2-2.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Kelli Cooper is a coach who specializes in the law of attraction. She concentrates on dispelling misconceptions about the teaching, and bridging the gap between the theory and reality of manifesting, two issues which she hopes helps people more easily tap into their innate powers of conscious creation. This teaching was a linchpin in changing her own life, and she has applied these principles with great success in her personal and professional life. Since 2011, she and her husband have been running their location-independent businesses from all over the world, calling all sorts of exotic locales home, from Thailand to Fiji. To learn more about her, her work and services, visit her site at https://www.livelifemadetoorder.com [/author_info] [/author]

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Leon

    Hey excellent article, in particular, the part about being yourself. Authenticity is just too rare nowadays and I find that not only do you live a better life when you’re real but you also manifest much better. It’s just amazing how the universe works.

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