Leveraging LinkedIn for High-Value Leads
Matthew Clark is the founder of The Virtual Edge and co creator of The Rainmaker System – an online marketing system that helps entrepreneurs get 2-5 high value leads per day from Linkedin without paying for ads. With their flagship programme Matthew and his business partner Wesley Longueira have helped over a thousand businesses in […]
Leveraging LinkedIn for High-Value Leads
Matthew Clark is the founder of The Virtual Edge and co creator of The Rainmaker System – an online marketing system that helps entrepreneurs get 2-5 high value leads per day from Linkedin without paying for ads. With their flagship programme Matthew and his business partner Wesley Longueira have helped over a thousand businesses in […]
Incorporating Social Media into Your Traditional Sales Process, with Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski consults, trains, implements, and executes with some of the top b2b sales teams globally on how to integrate social media into the traditional sales process. He speaks at some of the largest sales, marketing, and leadership conferences globally and has been called the most passionate social selling evangelist in the field. Show Notes […]
Navigating Social Selling in a Socially Noisy World, with Neal Schaffer
Neal Schaffer is the leading authority on helping businesses through their digital transformation of sales and marketing. He does this through consulting, training and helping enterprises, large and small, develop and execute on social media marketing strategy, influence the marketing and social selling initiatives. He’s the author of three books on social media including Maximize […]
The New Measure of Success: Return on Relationship with Ted Rubin
Ted Rubin is a leading social marketing strategist, keynote speaker and co-founder of Prevailing Path. He is the author of Return on Relationship, How to Look People in the How to Look People in the Eye Digitally Digitally and The Age of Influence: Selling to the Digitally Connected Customer. Show Notes: “A network gives you reach […]
Leading with Authenticity in the Social Media Space, with Kim Garst
Kim Garst is one of the world’s most tweeted people among digital marketers. She is a renowned marketing strategist, keynote speaker and an internationally bestselling author of Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic and Prosper in Social Media. Forbes named her as one of the top ten social media power influencers. […]
The BARE Essentials of Leveraging Digital Marketing Platforms as a Business Growth Strategy, with Rich Brooks
Rich Brooks is the Founder and President of flyte new media, a digital agency in Portland, Maine, that’s been around for over 20 years. He is a nationally recognized speaker on entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and social media. He is the “tech guru” on the evening news show, 207, which airs on the NBC affiliate in […]
Social Media Automation – Trend Towards Engagement, Support and CRM, with Gilad Salamander
Gilad Salamander is Co-founder/CEO at eClincher – the most advanced social media management tool. With a proven track record in Business, Product & Engineering Management, New Product Introduction (NPI), and Manufacturing and Support, he has the proven ability to implement strategies that support business growth. He is an active investor in several startup companies and […]
How to Make Money Online, Engage with Your Audience and Build Your List, with Andrew McCauley
Andrew McCauley is ranked #17 ‘Most Influential Social Media Marketer“ by BuzzSumo in Nov, 2016; he is one of the top 100 Most Influential Twitter Users by Forbes, He is an Amazon best Selling Author and consults all types of Businesses on their Social Media and Online Strategy. His customized strategies have continually seen between […]
10 Top Industry Experts Share Their Favourite Social Media Software Tool to Help Entrepreneurs Win
Stephen Hart of TrailBlazers.FM Podcast named eClincher as his favourite:
What Stephen says: My number one social media software, without question has got to be eClincher. It’s a platform that allows me the ability to create evergreen content around my brand(s), categorize them and schedule/deliver them across all my social channels, even while I’m sleeping or working or spending time with my family.