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The Intersection Between the Music Beat and the Boardroom

Zachary Harding on The Entrepreneurial You Podcast

A zac of many trades; Zachary Harding has crafted a diversified career profile that has taken him from the dancehall to the boardroom and into the Forbes Business Council…and he’s just getting started. Dubbed a marketing guru, Harding has a track record of excellence in senior management and strategic marketing roles with prominent brands such as the Jamaica Tourist Board, ATL, Red Stripe, JAMPRO, the Urban Development Corporation, Caribbean Airlines, the Port Authority of Jamaica, Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association just to name a few.

He is currently the Executive Chair of Delta Capital Partners and Group Chief Executive Officer of Stocks and Securities Limited.

He’s the CEO with a deep-rooted passion for the cultural and creative arts…on The Entrepreneurial You.

Trending Now

Has video conferencing shaped the future of communication? The studies indicate a resounding yes and Zoom Video Communications, Inc has come out of the shadows to lead the technological pack. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, more and more companies were forced to rely on video conferencing tools to maintain business. An unprecedented 2020 gave rise to video conferencing systems, and Zoom was perfectly positioned to grow in demand. The accessibility and ease of deployment have made it one of the leading virtual meeting software. 

Let’s put things into perspective…here are some key statistics on the rapid growth of the video conferencing company, Zoom. 

In 2020, Zoom generated $2.6 billion in revenue, a 317 per cent increase year-on-year. It was also one of the fastest-growing apps of the pandemic, with meeting participants increasing by 2900 per cent. 

And we’re not done…It has almost five hundred thousand business customers as of March 2021. Its valuation exceeded $100 billion during the pandemic and the number of annual meeting minutes on Zoom is now over 3.3 trillion. Not bad for a company launched in 2013, less than 10 years ago. 

Zoom’s uptake in use has had one of the most rapid business growths of 2020 and research projects that the video conferencing industry will be worth US$20 billion by 2024 so there is more than enough opportunity for game-changing expansions of companies such as zoom.

A new age of communication methods is unfolding; boosting efficiency and productivity. For one, thanks to innovations like those, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to be able to operate the latest technology. 

It’s safe to say this trend is here to stay, constantly being developed with added enhanced, next-generation features and this boom is sure to last beyond COVID-19. 

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