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The Super Supplement Every Entrepreneur Needs

Magnesium: Miracle Mineral

In the past few years, we’ve seen an upward surge in the popularity of various superfoods and supplements whose purposes have ranged from body detoxification to immune system boosting to even disease prevention. However, the trend which has taken over the internet from Twitter to Facebook to Pinterest has perhaps proven to be more than just a fad waiting for the next. As we face the ever-shifting likes of this global pandemic and its call for a new normal, we are now forced to consider or reconsider the ways in which we care for our overall wellness. 


Miracle Mineral?

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals produced within the human body. The miracle mineral or master mineral as it’s often referred to is a key ingredient to our bodies’ overall functioning. The mineral is needed by every single cell and system in the human body to build our immunity and to keep us on the move. In fact, it is involved in over 600 functions throughout the body including the conversion of the food we intake into the energy our body needs, the creation of proteins, the creation and maintenance of our DNA and RNA, the movements of our muscles, the regulation of our nervous system and the list goes on.


Essentially, the benefits of magnesium extend far beyond a healthy immune system. As mentioned before, e mineral impacts every single system in the human body and that is no exaggeration. This includes the nervous system, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. When we are magnesium deficient, our bodies are incapable of properly functioning internally and externally. As entrepreneurs, the work we do can take a toll on us. Often, after or even before a long day ahead, we suffer from excessive fatigue, restlessness and even an inability to get our thoughts straight, something we can’t afford to do when our business or businesses are depending on us to keep it together. Still, it isn’t your fault. When the body is magnesium deficient, it sends signals to the brain to alert it that something is wrong and as all the systems tire themself out to do the job you already started and to fix the issue, your systems are kicked into overdrive and confusion. Think of it as what happens when a robot is given too many instructions to process. It spazzes out and is unable to do its job. This is technically the reaction that takes place within the human body.  


Adrenal Fatigue and Magnesium

When I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue after a long bout of unexplained illnesses, I started  doing  extensive research into Magnesium and its many forms and stumbled upon study after study and testimony after testimony relating to its holistic ability to repair the body. This  health scare at the height of the global pandemic in 2020  forced me to consider Magnesium as treatment for my symptoms. I was doing a lot,, working hard to step my game up as an entrepreneur but what I didn’t notice was my immune system’s and overall health’s slow but sure decline. I was suffering from Adrenal Fatigue and my body was telling me in no uncertain terms to “slow down and live.” The entire incident forced me to seek treatment alternatives that would not only address the systems in my body that were failing but that would also enhance my ability to keep going. This is how I found Magnesium which has since then become one of the biggest contributors to my healing journey. What I didn’t expect to learn on my journey with incorporating Magnesium into my daily routine were all the other benefits of the miracle mineral and after finding out that this simple but not so simple supplement did all this, I couldn’t help but to tell everyone who was anyone within my networking community about how amazing it is. 


How Magnesium Works

Here’s what I found: 

  • Magnesium supports heart health: The human body needs magnesium to maintain all its muscles. This includes the muscle at the centre of it all: the heart muscle. As entrepreneurs, we undergo excessive amounts of stress which more often than not, the body is unable to handle. Magnesium works to promote a healthy heart by balancing the blood pressure. One study published in Open Heart Medical Journal even pointed to the mineral’s ability to treat and prevent cardiovascular ailments and heart disease and the fact that a deficiency could indeed increase the risk of heart problems. 
  • Say goodbye to weak bones: We all know about how important it is to ensure that we get enough calcium. However, for entrepreneurs whose businesses require plenty of heavy lifting or strenuous activity, magnesium is extremely necessary for the maintenance of stronger and healthier bones. Studies have shown that individuals who intake more magnesium usually have a higher bone mineral density and this is important as it reduces the risk of bone fractures and even osteoporosis. Overall, Magnesium impacts your bone health both directly and indirectly, as it also aids in regulating the body’s calcium and vitamin D levels. 
  • Watch the migraines migrate: Migraines are the absolute worst! Especially when there are deadlines to meet and operations to oversee. If you are a busy entrepreneur who suffers from debilitating migraines from time to time or even more often than is convenient, you may need to incorporate more magnesium into your diet. When the body is magnesium deficient, this can affect our neurotransmitters and restrict blood vessel constriction, factors doctors link to migraines. There is research that individuals who suffer from frequent migraines are perhaps magnesium deficient and that intake of the mineral could help with treatment and prevention.
  • Mental wellness is key: I was surprised to find that magnesium also had positive effects on mental wellness. It is easy to only focus on the physical however, as entrepreneurs we find more and more often how necessary it is to prioritize our mental health. Popping pills to help me deal with chronic insomnia had sunk me into a depression so deep and dark, I had no idea I would ever get out.  It was found that Magnesium can play a critical role in enhancing brain function and mood, and that low levels could be linked  to an increased risk of depression and symptoms related to depression.  It is even believed by some experts that the low magnesium content in modern foods may result in cases of depression and other mental illness.
  • Improve the way you sleep: Poor sleep is a major health problem around the world especially for us as entrepreneurs who start our days early and end them whenever. My struggles with restlessness and fatigue were heightened during my illness and though I was exhausted, my sleep pattern was terribly out of whack, in fact it was debilitating. Studies have shown that taking magnesium may improve sleep quality by helping you relax your body and mind. This in turn helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep!


Tried, Tested and Proven

Magnesium is and has proven to be more than just another mineral. Its benefits to the human body make it a must-have and a definite need in every entrepreneur’s diet. We’re always on the go and so a balanced body and mind are necessary to ensure we get it all done all while looking and feeling as healthy as ever. I know you may think it’ll be difficult to remember to incorporate Magnesium in your routine. However fellow entrepreneur Ian Clark of Activation Products, a company that sells topical and ingestible magnesium products outlines in this video and puts into perspective all the different forms of magnesium and all the ways in which the body can receive its daily dose of the miracle mineral and why it is necessary to do so. I was thrilled to find Activation Products because their products and their mission are not just about marketing large ingestible white pills but about finding methods of Magnesium intake and usage for just about anyone and along with that I found that the company was borne from the founder’s own battle with his health. This was particularly helpful in starting my Magnesium healing journey as I was able to better understand how different types of Magnesium work and also how my body works in conjunction with magnesium to enhance my bodily functions. 


My journey with Magnesium throughout this pandemic has taught me many things but most importantly it allowed me to take a moment to understand the way my body works and what I needed to do to ensure it kept doing what it does. As entrepreneurs it is easy for us to neglect our general health and wellbeing by putting off self care however I am glad I took the right step on my personal and professional journey and now I can honestly say, not only do I feel great, I can once again embody my role as a healthy, wealthy #powerpreneur. Magnesium for me was self-care made easy and it fit right into my busy 24/7 lifestyle (although I avoid being busy these days). If you struggle with fatigue, aches and unexplainable pains, restlessness, high blood pressure or migraines, Magnesium supplements may be the next step in your journey to wellness. 

Download this FREE eBook which summarizes the benefits of Magnesium for quick reference.

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