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Losing Your Entrepreneurial Fire? 10 Quotes That Will Supercharge Your Energy.


“Many rivers to cross, still I can’t seem to find my way over”. If you’re an entrepreneur, you will find yourself muttering or maybe even belting out the lyrics to this 1969 Jimmy Cliff classic.
The life of an entrepreneur is by no means an easy one. Another tune rings deafening in my head as I type this post, “It’s not an easy road, dem si di glamour an di glitta an dem tink a bed a rose”. Buju Banton knows this all too well.

Anyways, enough of the singing, I’m sure you get the point I’m trying to make (well, I do hope you so).
One of the things that plays a major role in keeping me steadfast with blinkers on, is a quote from someone that I admire. Quotes have a way of just kicking your butt to springboard you into taking action.
I love them so much, I’ve actually written an entire book about it. “Motivate Inspire Provoke” contains over 500 quotes from over 300 thought leaders (dead and alive) in 30 categories.

In this post, I’ve put together 10 of quotes from the book which will either motivate, inspire or provoke thought. Whatever it does, they should elevate you from a low place.

Some of them were submitted to me specifically for this book.

1. “If entrepreneurs are able to be disciplined, productive and focused every day, they will win at an even higher level.” – John Lee Dumas, Founder, EOFire
2. “some people say that motivation doesn’t last, neither is bathing that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar, Author & Motivational Speaker
3. “An entrepreneur is the craziest person on earth. They jump from a cliff and then figure out how to fly. And guess what? They enjoy the ride and somehow succeed.” – Andre Huie, Foudnder, SKN Newsline & Voice of the Caribbean Radio
4. “It’s hard changing your life, at some point the bathroom will be the only place you feel comfortable because at least you’ll be able to do some shit right.” – Kemal Brown, Speaker & Entrepreneur
5.“We win when our hunger becomes greater than our fear.” - Heneka Watkis-Porter, Serial-Entrepreneur & Author Click To Tweet

6. “Successful entrepreneurs know how to set and accomplish goals; those are who are struggling, do so because of that very thing.” – John Lee Dumas, Founder, EOFire

7. “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” – Richard Branson, Founder, the Virgin Group 
8. “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” – Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Apple Inc.
9. “Entrepreneurship has become a ‘sexy thing but it has to be pursued with great tenacity because it is a lot of work. One has to wake up knowing that if you don’t run your days, they will run you. It is also important to make your commitment stronger than people’s rejection.” Tishauna Mullings, Founder, NexxStepp
10. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson, American Spiritual Teacher & Author

I would love to hear from you. In what way did any of these quotes resonate with you? Comment and let me know.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://henekawatkisporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/heneka.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Heneka Watkis-Porter is a serial-entrepreneur, cultural ambassador, sociologist, author, speaker, fashion designer and podcaster. She wakes up every day with a grateful heart as she lives her purpose of “life transformation through inspiration”. She is the leading lady behind Patwa Culcha International, the company that owns the authentic Jamaica clothing brand, Patwa Apparel. [/author_info] [/author]


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